Friday, May 10, 2013


if you made us for reveling in the sheer force of life
that has exploded all around
for shouting and dancing at the boldness of the first daffodil
and gasping in wonder at the delicate temerity of the early trillium
for the soul’s inhaling of the smell of fresh-mown grass
and the pungent fragrance of the lilac bush…

then we give glory, glory, glory to your all-creating power!

to be awake and wholly alive
to the jubilant rites of spring
when the first robin tunes nature’s orchestra
when nature’s first green turns gold
when spring breezes unglue the artfully folded buds
and “the world is puddle-wonderful”

then, with wide-eyed wonder of infancy still within
to the Giver of new flowers and the songs of birds
and the good green earth ever renewing
world without end -
we give thanks
for this our Father’s world…
                                            -adapted from Talking with God

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