Wednesday, December 12, 2012

In the Beginning

God made.
And He called it good.

How He made
We do not know,
But he called  it good.

What He made
We know only in part;
But it was good.

The moon, the sun, the stars,
The wind-swept haunted places,
Proud peaks and gentle valleys,
The waves and sands and trees;

And images of God walked everywhere.

All this was good
For a short season.

Then all things fell apart.

Hate hardened,
Cruelty coarsened,
Sickness, hunger, and terror
Bent divine images in groteque shapes,
While death darkened all the good.

Again God made.
And Christ was born,
And it was good.

How He made
We do not understand.

What He made
We know only in part.

Why He made
He has clearly told us;
And it is good.

For what was lost
Can now be found again,
What was apart made whole,
What was doomed redeemed;
And that is good.

Now Creative Word was flesh.

Light pierced a great darkness;
Then we saw an infinite, astonishing Love,
For God is good.

Still God makes.
Love is born in human hearts,
Trembling and frail,
Reaching out beyond the self,
Touching comfort, healing, grace,
Changed through faith and hope and love;
God calls that good.

It's Christmas time!
Behold, all things are and will be new!
Behold, how He loves us!

Let us love one another.
God calls that good.

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