Monday, April 2, 2012

Holy Week

As disciples of Jesus, we follow him on the highways and byways of his three years of ministry.

Along the way we learn much from the Teacher, this Rabbi in step with the Father.

We marvel at his words and are astonished at his actions.

But we are loath to follow him to the cross.

His torment is too painful, his agony too harrowing.

Yet it is at the cross that we feel closest to our Lord.

It is at the cross that we receive his love in fullest measure.

It is at the cross that we unload our own burden of pain and suffering.

It is at the cross that we are embraced by his compassion.

It is at the cross that we are healed.

Life prepares us for the cross and for the grave.

It does not prepare us for Easter morning.

We have no experience with open graves.

Joy at Easter comes by faith.

Faith in our crucified and risen Lord.

For that faith we pray this week.

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