Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Child's Christmas

This is a story for children of all ages.
It may exist in different versions, by different titles, with different settings.
I’ve never seen an author’s name.
It goes something like this:

It’s early Christmas morning.
It’s still dark. And it’s cold.
Father John pulls his hood a little tighter around his ruddy face.
He shuffles his way through the fresh snow toward the church.
There’s still much to do before the first Mass.
He smiles at the spotlight shining on the crèche in front of church.
He is so proud of the nativity scene. It’s the most beautiful in town.

But then the smile changes into a frown.
Father John sees something terribly wrong:
the Baby Jesus is missing!
The old priest cannot believe his eyes.
He hastens his step to have a closer look.
But it’s true: the crib is empty! Only some tufts of hay are left.

The priest is upset and angry. With quick little steps now he enters the church.
Someone stole the Christ Child! Who and why?!
Someone who was jealous?
Now the day is ruined. People will point at the empty spot.
Maybe some will laugh.
The priest grows red with shame and indignation.
Then he runs up to the church bell rope and begins to pull with short angry jerks.
The people must know that the Holy Infant has been stolen.
They must begin at once to look for the lost Baby Jesus!
And they will find the thief who has done this unholy deed!

The anxious priest hurries outside again.
Here and there people have come outside.
They wonder why the church bell is ringing so early and with such an angry sound.
“Someone stole the Baby Jesus, someone stole the Baby Jesus!
Find out who stole it and bring it back at once!” cries the priest.
Then, as fast as he can, the old priest begins to run up one street and down another.
To everyone in sight he shouts to find and bring back the missing baby.
At last the priest nears the church again.
And there, just ahead of him, he sees a little boy pulling a bright red wagon behind him.
His eyes grow large and his pace quickens.
On that wagon he spots something familiar.
And now he sees it clearly: it’s the Baby Jesus!
The priest runs to the little boy, grabs him roughly, and demands:
“What do you think you’re doing with the Baby Jesus on your wagon?!”

The little boy looks at the angry priest, smiles up at him, and answers:
“Well, Father, you see I got this wagon for Christmas.
And I wanted to give Baby Jesus the first ride for his birthday present.

The old priest does not move now. He looks at the boy for a long moment.
Then a big smile lights up his flushed face,
He bends down to the little boy and gently asks:
“My son, may I help you pull the Baby Jesus?”

                                              from Talking with God, available at Schulers
                                                      and Baker Books in Gr. Rapids, ebooks,
                                                     Amazon, and at exxelpublishing.com

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